Thursday, June 23, 2011

can't really sleep now =( but i'm feeling really tired.

leopard print top : vindow boutique
bottom : vintage

Love this leopard print singlet!!! love it so muchie =)

top : zara basic
bottom: padini authentic 

dress : vindow boutique
i don't have a good camera, so my pictures are a little blur and not sharp. hope to buy one for myself soon. i saw the latest model from SONY, the one that is water resistant. i love that so much but it cost about RM 17++. guess i'll have to save more to get you baby!!!! 
it's 1 am now, need to work tomorrow... suddenly the power supply went off, writing in the dark is killing my eyes. next Wednesday  is my off day. i'll be baking again. i'm gonna practice more and more till i bake the perfect cake for you!!!! can't wait to give you that =) having a little trouble with the mixer my mom had in the kitchen. wish i had a bigger one so i could save up more time and energy whisking the egg!!! 

awww it's so hot now, i'm sweating!!! electricity, quickly come back!!! 
 promise you to blog about the cake!!!! whee.....

till then, much love <3 pearl ^^

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